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woman smiling and sowing a toothbrush. Oral Care

“Gingivitis and Oral Care: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Oral Care: Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is the name for a range of oral health problems. These problems include gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) to the more severe periodontitis, where gums pull away from the teeth and allow the potential for more severe infection. Without oral care treatment, gum disease can destroy the bone that supports your teeth, causing a large number of serious conditions.

  • Over 90% of adults over the age of 30 have some stage of active gum disease.
  • 65% of 15-year-olds already have active gum disease (yikes!)


Symptoms of Gum Disease:

  • Swollen or red gums
  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding gums
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Painful spots on the gums when chewing 
  • Receding gums
  • Loose teeth

Although gum disease is very common, it is also mostly preventable if you begin treatment at an early stage. We have put together some great home remedies you can add to your regimen to correct minor stages of gum disease.

 Understanding the Enemy – What is Gingivitis?

Imagine your gums as the guardians of a grand castle, protecting your precious teeth from invading bacteria. Gingivitis, our enemy in this story, is like a traitor within the castle walls. It’s an inflammation of the gums caused by the relentless attack of harmful bacteria.


Detecting the Intruder – Signs and Symptoms

To defeat gingivitis, you must first recognize its presence. Here are the warning signs:

Bleeding Gums: The Battle Begins

Healthy gums should never resemble a battleground after brushing. If your gums bleed, it’s a red flag.

 Swollen and Red Gums: The Telltale Signs

Healthy gums are like well-tended gardens—pink, firm, and inviting. Inflamed and red gums indicate trouble.

 Bad Breath: The Lingering Shadow

Persistent bad breath, despite your efforts, can be a sign of gingivitis lurking in the shadows.


The Arsenal – Home Based Gingivitis Treatment

  Brushing and Flossing for Effective Oral Hygiene:

  Brushing: Your Sword in the Battle

  Brush gently but thoroughly, ensuring you reach every nook and cranny,      including the gum line.

  Flossing: The Secret Weapon

  Flossing is your covert operative against gingivitis. It infiltrates the tight spaces between your teeth, where bacteria plot their attacks. Make daily flossing a ritual to eliminate food particles and plaque.

Natural Remedies

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In your quest to banish gingivitis, these natural remedies are your allies:

Saltwater Rinse: The Soothing Elixir

Imagine a healing potion for your gums – that’s what a saltwater rinse can be. It reduces inflammation and battles bacteria.

 Recipe: Mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle and swish for 30 seconds, then spit. Your gums will thank you.

Aloe Vera: Nature’s Balm

Aloe Vera is not just for sunburns; it’s a natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

 Application: Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to your gums after brushing. Let its soothing magic work.

Oil Pulling: Detox for Your Mouth

Oil pulling is your mouth’s detox regimen. It involves swishing oil in your mouth to cleanse and heal.

How to Do It: Take a tablespoon of oil, swish for 15-20 minutes, then spit it out. Rinse your mouth with warm water.

 Tea Tree Oil: Nature’s Antibiotic

Think of tea tree oil as your trusty antibiotic in the fight against gingivitis.

 Usage: Mix one drop of tea tree oil with your toothpaste when brushing. Use it wisely, as a little goes a long way.

 Taming the Beast  Managing Gum Pockets

Gum pockets are like traps where bacteria lurk, planning their next attack. But fear not; you can counter their strategies:

Turmeric Paste: The Natural Antiseptic

Turmeric is a super herb  in the world of natural remedies.

How to Use: Mix turmeric powder with water to create a paste. Brush with it twice a day to keep gum pockets in check.

Green Tea: The Antioxidant Ally

Green tea isn’t just a beverage; it’s a guardian against inflammation and bacteria.

Consumption: Sip a cup of green tea daily to support gum health.

The ORAL CARE+ System 

Your Ultimate Weapon

 The Science Behind the ORAL CARE+ System

Imagine having an army at your disposal to defeat gingivitis comprehensively. That’s what the ORAL CARE+ System offers.

 Pursuing Perfection

The ORAL CARE+ System isn’t just about gum health; it’s a holistic approach to oral wellness:

 Whiter Teeth: Achieve visibly whiter teeth in just two weeks with the ORAL CARE+ spray and paste.

 Stubborn Stain Removal: Coffee and tea stains? Not a problem for the ORAL CARE+ System.

 Battling Dental Decay: Cavities and tartar don’t stand a chance against this system.

 Gum Pocket Reduction: The system reduces gum pocket depth, promoting healthier gums.

 Mitigating Bleeding Gums: Discomfort from bleeding gums? The system offers relief and fosters gum health.

 Enhancing Circulation: Improved blood circulation in your mouth is vital for overall oral health.

 Control of Gum Infections: The system minimizes or eliminates gum infections effectively.

Skin Health and Blood Improvement: Beyond oral health, it may also improve skin health and red blood cell vitality.

 Teeth Re-Enameling: Your teeth will feel as smooth and polished as after a professional dental cleaning.


The Ingredients of ORAL CARE+ Powder Kit

The ORAL CARE+ System’s foundation lies in its carefully selected ingredients:

 Aum Clay: The Silent Hero

100% pure, US Digestible Grade Kaolin Clay plays a crucial role in promoting oral health through its unique properties.

 EDTA Aum Crystal: The Crystal Guardians

These ingestible far-infrared Tesla crystals augment the therapeutic attributes of the system.

Harmonic Sound Frequencies: The Healing Symphony

The ORAL CARE+ System integrates harmonic sound frequencies, optimizing its effectiveness.

 Baking Soda, Miracle Salt, Magnesium, and Calcium: The Minerals’ Symphony

These minerals work synergistically to support oral health.

 Mint Matrix and Sirius Silver: Flavor and Consistency

Skillfully incorporated into the Oral Care Powder, they enhance both taste and consistency.

 Your Path to Healthy Gums

 With knowledge and the right tools, you’re empowered to safeguard your gum health throughout your life.

While the ORAL CARE+ System offers significant benefits, individual results may vary. Your smile is unique; let it shine as a testament to your dedication to your oral health.

By following this comprehensive guide, you’re arming yourself with knowledge and effective strategies to conquer gingivitis and maintain optimal oral health. Start your journey to healthier gums today!

PureVibranz products are not designed to heal but to enhance the body’s ability to heal itself. The information provided here is for educational purposes and should not be misconstrued as medical advice or a guarantee of specific outcomes. Individual responses to treatments  may vary, and any decisions regarding your health should be made in consultation with a qualified health care professional