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Violet-Blue Revitalazer

Violet-Blue Revitalazer

 Violet-Blue RevitaLaser, also known as the Violet-Laser  or Violet Naturalaser. The power of violet-blue cold-laser light infused with proprietary Human Blueprint™ Frequencies, promotes balance and energetic homeostasis. Experience relief from microbial infections, enhanced cellular health, and assistance in skin healing, detoxification, and tissue regeneration.



Quantum ReVitaLazer Pack - 3 lasers and Ionizer





 Violet – Blue  ReVitalazer Overview

 Violet-Blue RevitaLaser, a cutting-edge device designed to harness the power of violet cold-laser light. This sophisticated tool stands out with its proprietary Human Blueprint™ Frequencies, delivered through ZeroPoint™ Technology. These frequencies are tailored to foster balance and energetic homeostasis, enhancing your body’s natural state and promoting overall well-being.

Scientific Foundations Behind Violet-Blue RevitaLaser

At the core of Violet-Blue RevitaLaser’s effectiveness is its research, conducted using the GDV Pro System, a state-of-the-art medical-grade technology developed in Russia. Led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, this research team has pioneered methods to visualize and analyze energy field properties of living beings and water that are usually invisible to the human eye. The GDV Atlas program, integral to this research, evaluates and visualizes the functional state of all organs and body systems, providing essential insights into physiological changes and health status.

Comprehensive Benefits of Violet-Blue RevitaLaser

The Violet-Blue RevitaLaser isn’t just innovative; it’s also a powerhouse of health benefits:
 It acts as an effective antimicrobial agent, combating viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
It plays a crucial role in clearing the body of infections.
 It enhances overall health by addressing a range of issues, including sores, aches, pains, skin rashes, and sinus issues.

Versatile Applications of Violet-Blue RevitaLaser

Enhanced Water: Drinking water treated with the violet-blue laser light infuses every cell with antimicrobial properties, creating a protective effect throughout the body.

Powerful Tonic: Enhancing water with the combination of Violet-Blue RevitaLaser and pureVibranz Red Infrared Revitalazer  results in a robust tonic that amplifies the health benefits.

 Skin Care and Acne Treatment: Using the Violet-Blue RevitaLaser in tandem with the Red Infrared Revitalazer  is especially effective for improving skin conditions, treating acne, and reducing the appearance of scars.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): The laser can also be used as a treatment for depression related to dreary winter weather.

Pain and Inflammation Relief: The device is effective in treating back pains, arthritis, muscle strains, fibromyalgia, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck and shoulder pains, plantar fasciitis, skin rashes, and even tennis elbow.


• Wave Length: 405 nM

• Laser Power: maximum < 5 mW

• Meets Laser Class II & III

• Type: Diode 111b laser product

• Complies with 21 CFR part 1040 10 and 1040 11 class 111A laser product

• 2 AAA batteries included, with Storage Box NOTE: Violet-blue light image from the laser appears dimmer in daylight compared to the red or green laser light, due to the Violet-blue light spectrum. It is NOT DEFECTIVE BY ANY MEANS

Usage Guidelines: For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to use the laser for 3-5 minutes per session, no more than 2-3 times daily, ensuring a break of at least 90 minutes between sessions.

With the Violet-Blue RevitaLaser, step into a realm where technology meets your health needs in profound ways. Experience the transformative impact of laser therapy tailored to enhance your health and vitality. Embrace the future of health innovation—today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Violet Blue Revitalazer violet laser

1. What is the difference between the Violet-Blue RevitaLaser, the Violet Laser, and the Violet Naturalaser?

 The names Violet-Blue RevitaLaser, Violet Laser, and Violet Naturalaser all refer to the same product. Pure Vibranz has rebranded the product as part of its ongoing commitment to incorporate new technologies and advancements, ensuring they offer the most effective and up-to-date solutions in laser therapy.

2. How much is the Violet-Blue RevitaLaser?

 The Violet-Blue RevitaLaser is priced at $299.00. This device is also available as part of the Preferred Customer Package at the same price, which includes an array of additional products. This package comprises:
– 1 LOVE 2oz
– 1 Citrus Silk 2oz
– 1 Mint Matrix 1oz
– 1 Science To Sage Magazine
– 1 choice of RevitaLazer (options include Red, Violet, and Green)
– 1 choice of 1 Basic Pendant
– 1 PC Membership package, which includes access to the website, a catalog, and a PC booklet. Learn More….

3. What are the primary benefits of using the Violet-Blue RevitaLaser?

 The Violet-Blue RevitaLaser offers a myriad of health benefits due to its proprietary Human Blueprint™ Frequencies infused by ZeroPoint™ Technology. It serves as an effective antimicrobial agent, battling viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Moreover, it is instrumental in ridding the body of infections and enhancing overall health. It addresses a wide range of health issues, including sores, aches, pains, skin rashes, sore gums, sore mouth, and sinus problems.

4. What are some of the uses of the Violet-Blue RevitaLaser?

 The Violet-Blue RevitaLaser is versatile in its applications, enhancing health in various ways:
 Drinking water treated with the laser’s light offers a field effect, providing every cell with antimicrobial properties.
 When used with pureVibranz Red Infrared Revitalazer , it creates a potent tonic that intensifies the health benefits.
 It is particularly effective for skin care, treating acne, and improving skin issues, including scars from acne.
 The device is also used to treat conditions like depression related to seasonal affective disorder, as well as physical ailments such as back pain, arthritis, muscle strains, fibromyalgia, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck and shoulder pains, plantar fasciitis, and tennis elbow.

Violet-Blue Revitalazer

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